Most of the company managers think how to implement mobile CRM solution across the organization. However, did they actually think what is the ultimate gains of the business. The bottom line is that how to increase the sales of the company. And, this is the scenario where mobile CRM comes into picture. Customers not only want you to come to them. They will be happy to get the information offhand that you provide them. From your part, the whole process enhances the chance to close a deal.
As per Altico Advisors, the strategic objective to implement mobile Solution is as follows:
- “Increase average sale by 20%.
- Lower cost of sales by 15%.
- Reduce billing lag time by 30%.
- Achieve 90% key field completion in customer records.
- Increase average number of service calls per week by 15%.
- Deliver 100% real time data to managers.”
Let me explore this further. - Improving the Sales Potential: We have a mobile sales team in our company. They use on-demand cloud based mobile app, Relaso sales CRM. When they visit or follow up client, they use it to enter call notes, set up task and meeting, look into previous notes and check customer history. Thus, they can focus on the future conversation instead of the past one. Reps can use the extra time to understand each customer’s business and propose for new services .
This way we can help them increase their revenue and at the same time, it increases the dollar amount of our sales. When our field people get complete information about the customer and the products, they can convert the deal in an intelligent way. The Relaso CRM app increases the user adoption rate in our company because of its simplicity for use. Since the time of adoption of the CRM solution, our company witnessed the improvement of sales and rich data. - Raising Productivity: Our sales reps are on the road for 90% of their time. With the mobile app integrated to their handheld device, they have all the necessary information when they move from one client to another client and perform the required services with each client. The app incorporates a nifty feature, Location Check-in, which saves some valuable time of our sales reps. They can view customer’s location with a real-time GPS map on their handheld device for the upcoming visit. Additionally, salespeople can record their client visit right from the same feature and I, as a Manager, can generate a report by the end of the month or week that shows number of client visit of my every salesperson.
Multiple users also get benefit with the collaboration feature. When my field person visits a client, he may have to make several phone call to the respective departmental manager to discuss strategy. But if they use the collaboration tools of the mobile CRM, customer data is integrated on collaborative platform and anybody can participate to share knowledge, even at the point of sale if necessary.
Now, the question of strategic advantages arises. If you can access to account information, customer information, and analytic tools, with the help of integrated mobile CRM device, you are ahead of extra mile to quicken the sales cycle. - Predictive Analysis: Mobile CRM analytics tool of Relaso App gathers data about Enterprise customers and analyze them. Then, it presents the data such a way which helps to make quicker and speedier business decision for us. For instance, if I access the Sales Pipeline Report, I am able to see what are the pipeline stages of different opportunities, the expected date of close and the Deal amount. That gives me the real-time projection of revenue during the time period in the future. The web end of the tool also displays infographic for Projected VS Actual revenue and Projected VS actual profit.
Data Analysis part is a continuous and iterative process for our company so that we can fine tune our decision based on intelligent feedback of previous iteration. The app can generate more than 65 critical Real time reports like Sales Pipeline, Time Spent, Revenue, Invoice, payment, Expense etc. There is also a crucial report for us, ie Check-In report. It gives us insight about how many clients a sales rep visits during certain period of time. -
Return on Investment: Does your mobile CRM solution help you lower the minimum cost and maximize the revenue or it is just a show off rather than actual use. If it’s the latter, you know that you are falling behind your peers who are leading the market, winning more opportunities and generating the profits and cash flow to succeed even more. ROI driven idea rather than budget driven idea assists you for better decision making process . The important steps that companies can follow to invest in technology the right way.
Your ROI analysis should consider both growth and cost saving, as well as the long term business goals of the company. The analysis is supposed to be a part of strategic investment into the business. The core objective is to generate metrics with rich data which is going to be the biggest driver of your success and that will deliver ROI in the long run.
One reply on “How to reach strategic goal using mobile CRM”
With a mobile CRM if you have equipped your sales team, you can get the degree of flexibility and commodity for the individual sales rep. It’s a proven way to increase productivity, boost sales and company revenue.