Java Tech

Where to store passwords / credentials in Gradle Project

Problem Statement Projects are checked in version control systems like git. You don’t want your credentials to be checked in git too. As such you need a way to easily inject your credentials in your build while keeping it away from prying eye. Solution The solution is to store it in ~/.gradle/ This file is […]


Guide: HAProxy HTTP Basic Authentication for specific sites (SSL Termination)

Objective I use HAProxy to serve multiple SSL/TLS enabled sites with HAProxy doing SSL termination. The sites serve regular HTTP while users see proper HTTPS sites (with free certificates from LetsEncrypt). My objective was to provide HTTP Basic Authentication as a second layer of protection for certain applications like NextCloud (DropBox clone) or Gitea (GitHub […]


How to provide Secure Isolated (Restricted) SFTP Access for file transfer

Often we need to provide secure but restricted sftp access to our clients to upload or download large files. Regular sftp accounts allow the users to view login names of other users/clients and in many default installations even allow them to browse through the directories and files. In addition, they can also view your system […]